" I didn't know you were gay." I'm not, or, if I am, I didn't know it, either, until I met you."Sam lowered her arms. "You're really attracted to me?" Attracted' is too mild. I'm obsessed with you. I can't eat or sleep or think because of you. In fact, I've been wanting to invite you to dinner and a movie."Her eyes glittered. "You have?" Yes."She smiled, as if she were flattered to hear of James' infatuation with her. Then, her eyes hardened. "Then, why have you allowed those pinheads, Ed, Joe, and Lou to insult me? Why have you let the ladies in the office gossip about me behind my back? Why haven't you said anything or done anything to defend me or to protect me?"I wanted to," James confessed, "but well, it's just that?" You didn't want to be insulted and affronted the way I was?"He nodded before hanging his head. "Yes." That's too bad," she said. "I was attracted to you, too, before I realized what a timid little milquetoast you are. It was obvious to me that you were attracted to. She said her company bills her time at 125.00 dollars an hour. I choked on my coke as she said that. She laughed and said she was kidding.So I gave her the scenario that had happened to me recently, just telling it as a hypothetic. She listened and said this was Federal law, which she did not practice. She was into civil litigation, and criminal law."Aren't those two separate specialties?" I asked curiously. After all, most attorneys specialized in one branch of law."Yes, but I started out in one, and got so much spill over from the other, that I studied both. My firm is very pleased with my abilities, and I am up for full associate at the end of the month," she said with a smile."I'm sorry to have to ask, but is that good?" I asked her a bit embarrassed.She laughed. "Don't feel that way. Yes, it is good. My next step from there would be junior partner, then full partner. I am doing very well indeed," she replied.Time slipped away, and the place started filling up with the supper.
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